Leaders on the move: expat life, life coaching and leadership


with Linda Mueller

It was great to catch up with a fellow expat on this Leaders Who Love What They Do Podcast with Linda Mueller. Linda fully understands the opportunities and the challenges that expat partners encounter while living abroad often because their spouse is in a leadership role and she is passionate about supporting those who are on a similar journey.

She is a certified life coach who empowers expat partners to gain a deeper sense of self so that they can design a life they love; one that flows through the ups and downs of their international journey.

We had a great conversation as to why this is important for leadership, where leaders who manage teams around the world have to relocate either domestically or internationally, which impacts often a partner or a whole family.

I can vouch for this from personal experience and I hope this conversation brings you valuable insights.

About Linda:

Linda Mueller is a certified life coach who empowers expat partners to create a life they love, one filled with purpose, connection, and a renewed sense of self. With extensive personal and professional experience abroad, and as a three-time repat, she utilizes all that she has learned and experienced to coach expat partners with compassionate accountability during all stages of the expat/repat cycle. 

Linda is a former corporate climber with 10+ years of expat partner experience in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. She fully understands the opportunities and challenges that expat partners encounter while living abroad and is passionate about supporting those on a similar journey.

Connect with Linda:



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